Children's Books
and Stories
Books for children, from infants to teens, plus activities, DYI and games.
Register for free books online.
International Children’s Library
Children’s books in English, Spanish and many other languages.
Marin County Free Library – kids
audio books, movies, TV, music, storytimes, readalongs. Get a free library card!
Authors are recording themselves reading children’s stories. Search the hashtag #OperationStoryTime on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to find a beloved author or discover a new one!
The kids page on the San Rafael Public Library website features live Storytime and events, e-books and audio resources.
Free fairytales, bedtime stories and poems for kids.
This website streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Each book includes supplemental curriculum developed by a credentialed elementary educator, aiming to strengthen comprehension and verbal and written skills for English-language learners.
Storytime with San Rafael Principals
This YouTube channel has seven story books read aloud by principals from San Rafael.
Reading from the International Space Station.
The Tumble Book Library is a curated database of children’s e-books, available by subscription to Elementary Schools and Public Libraries around the world.
Vanderbilt: Children’s Book List
A list of books about different topics to support social-emotional development, categorized by topics and feelings.

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The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a checklist for parents, pediatricians, caregivers and teachers to utilize in monitoring and tracking a…
The Backpack Connection Series was created by Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention (TACSEI) to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work…
The Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) screeners are sets of valid, reliable, and age-appropriate questionnaires that were developed to be are filled out by the…